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Christian Living

13 Inspiring Videos That Tell the Stories of Persecuted Christians

This violence against Christians is taking place all over the world. Right now. Sadly, most Christians in the West (myself included) rarely hear these stories or pray for our brothers and sisters.

Under the headline "In face of beheading, Iraqi children proclaim love for Jesus", the Jerusalem Post reports the following atrocity:

“Islamic State turned up and said to the children, you say the words that you will follow Mohammed,” White stated. “The children, all under 15, four of them, said ‘No, we love Yesua (the Iraqi name for Jesus), we have always loved Yesua, we have always followed Yesua, Yesua has always been with us.’” Then once again, the ISIS militants forced the children to convert and yet again they refused. The terrorists decapitated all four children.

Utterly evil. This violence against Christians is taking place all over the world. Right now. Sadly, most Christians in the West (myself included) rarely hear these stories or pray for our brothers and sisters. In recent years, I have been moved by the videos produced by Open Doors. Open Doors is just one of many great organisations serving the persecuted church. Below are a collection of videos telling the stories we need to hear. These are our brothers and sisters. Please play them in your church services. Please share them online.

Children of Nigeria

China's Revival

Esther of Nigeria


Extremism in Nigeria

Fatima of Saudi Arabia

From the Ashes, Sudan

Hea Woo of North Korea

Helen of Eritrea

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Iraq's Refugees

Kidnapping Victims in Nigeria

Susan in Uganda